Media Hunt plans let businesses of all sizes access the media industry. Upgrade or cancel anytime.
Unlimited contacts
Get full access to the database. All contacts you need for your campaign!
PR Strategy
Sit back. We will devise a newsworthy campaign that is right for you.
Press Release Writing
Get a compelling press release written from seasoned PR professionals.
Press Kit
We will help you create an exhaustive digital press kit for your company.
Custom Media List
A targeted list of journalists that are right for your campaign and industry.
Get a pitch from us that works and let us take over communication.
Guaranteed Results
We promise minimum viewership based on your campaign or money back!
paid monthly
per campaign
Tell us your story and we will come up with a compelling press release within 7 days.
Tell us your story and we will come up with a compelling press release and a press kit within 7 days.
We will come up with a highly targeted list of minimum 100 journalists with contacts within 7 days.
If our FAQ does not answer your questions, please reach out to us in our live chat in the bottom right.