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We have created something specially for you
No retainer. No bloated fee structure. Pay a flat price per campaign.
We serve early stage startups and operate like one. Start pitching in a matter of days.
Minimum reach guaranteed. Get 100% money back if we fail to deliver.
We are the creators of Escape, launched in 2018, and Covid Controls, launched in 2020. So far we have been featured in over 200+ media publications in over 9 languages. How did we do it? By doing it ourselves.
Why? Traditional PR firms failed us. PR firms are slow, expensive and infective at pitching new startups or new products. They take weeks to build your story. They waste your time and bill you for the wasted time, and when they fail to deliver they hit you with “Sorry we never guaranteed any results”. So we decided to take the matter in our own hands.
We built relationships with journalists and PR professionals directly. It took months of time and effort but the results paid off. We acquired over 1M+ users no thanks to any PR firm. We have now built Media Hunt to streamline this process for other early stage startups like us.
Here are some of our recent success stories
The chance to save time, grow your social audience and share incredible content is here.